UKAS ISO Standards
ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 standard is a document that describes all of the requirements needed in order to create and maintain a quality management system.
Customer focus – Quality management primarily focuses on meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed customer expectations.
Leadership – Helping leaders to establish unity of purpose and direction at all levels and to create conditions to engage employees of Johnston Mailing in achieving the high quality objectives.
Engagement of people – Obtaining and maintaining at all levels competent, empowered, and engaged people to enhance Johnston Mailings capability to create and deliver value.
Process approach – Delivering consistent and predictable results through the use of effective and efficient activities that are understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system.
Improvement – Maintaining an ongoing, wide focus on improvement.
Evidence-based decision making – Using the analysis and evaluation of data and information in the decision making process to produce desired results.
Relationship management – Managing Johnston Mailings relationships with related parties, such as partners or suppliers, for sustained success.
ISO 14001
​ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system.
It helps Johnston Mailing improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.
An environmental management system helps Johnston Mailing identify, manage, monitor and control their environmental issues in a “holistic” manner.
Like all ISO management system standards, ISO 14001 includes the need for continual improvement of Johnston Mailings systems and approach to environmental concerns. The standard has recently been revised, with key
improvements such as the increased prominence of environmental management within Johnston Mailings strategic planning processes, greater input from leadership and a stronger commitment to proactive initiatives that boost environmental performance.
ISO 27001
By becoming ISO 27001 certified Johnston Mailing is showing a commitment to ensuring that adequate security controls are in place to protect information and data from being accessed, corrupted, lost or stolen.
Keeps confidential information secure
Provides customers with confidence in how Johnston Mailing manage risk
Allows for secure exchange of information
Allows us to ensure Johnston Mailing are meeting your legal obligations
Enhanced customer satisfaction that improves client retention
Consistency in the delivery of our services
Manages and minimises risk exposure
Builds a culture of security